"A new benchmark in Progressive Rock."
With the release of the sprawling magnum opus IN HUMANITY in October of 2021 ANYONE were unanimously hailed by progressive rock critics as the future of prog. Critics were amazed by the sheer virtuosity displayed by Riz Story, who performed all of the albums dazzling instrumentation and vocals as well as producing, mixing and mastering.
"A great display of virtuosity...The man's skills on all kinds of instruments is beyond dispute."
“A magnificent solo virtuoso effort from Riz Story… A mammoth improvisational effort!"
"IN HUMANITY represents a magnificent solo effort of virtuosity in terms of performance, production, mixing and mastering on the part of RIZ STORY... combined with great skill and technique.
5 Out of 5 Stars!"
"When you consider that this is the work of one man, what an achievement! "
Steve Gould - MMH RADIO
"What is striking about this work is that Riz Story himself sang everything and played all the instruments on these tracks."
In addition to critical acclaim IN HUMANITY drew high praise from some of the music world's most respected names. 16 time Grammy winner and Jazz Legend HERBIE HANCOCK is a notable example. After hearing the song 'The Pale Blue Dot', Hancock commented that he had never heard a musician display such a wide range of virtuosity.
“Avant Garde, very complex. I’ve never heard anybody else do that – play all those instruments on that level.”
Herbie Hancock - Jazz Legend
But the unprecedented musical achievement of Story's mastery as a multi-instrumentalist is just one element of the ANYONE's bold new direction into the world of ultra-prog. Critics and listeners also agree that the music contained on the album is 'transcendentally inspired' distinguishing it from the empty virtuosity that is often associated with progressive and fusion music.
"Transcendent inspiration animates the entire album, combined with great skill and technique."
"He also has a striking talent for melodies when the mood takes him; The forlorn acoustic longing of "Apocalypse'"is irresistibly Floydian, and "On the ending earth...'" is elegiac and swoonsome.
"I was blown away… I really loved it’s grandness, the cinematic scope, the majesty of the compositions."
"IN HUMANITY reaches the highest level in terms of class and brilliance."
"5 out of 5 Stars - Impeccable. Anyone has offered us music on a grand scale that does honor to the principle of the concept album."
Critics and fans agree that the album was not merely a well written display of virtuosity, but also defined a new direction in progressive music, which is often associated with artists from the 60's and 70's. The music on IN HUMANITY is strikingly original, experimental and above all, extremely modern.
"Amazing music. This is prog, but it's also modern... and very unique."
"A turning point in ANYONE's career that subtly sets a new benchmark in progressive rock."
"Contemporary, high octane prog rock that has all the right moves in all the right places."
"RIZ STORY with ANYONE has released the album of the year, nothing less!"
Riz Story's ANYONE is currently redefining the sound of progressive music, boldly breaking the path into the future. In recent interviews Story has said that the overwhelming reception of his masterpiece has inspired him to push the boundaries of his music even further. He has announced that the follow up to IN HUMANITY is in the works, and will contain the most progressive, virtuosic and experimental music yet released by ANYONE.