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The first music video from the upcoming ANYONE album 'In Humanity' will be world premiering soon. An exact date will be announced in the coming days via Press Release as well as being announced here (The Official Website) and on the bands official FaceBook page.

The music video is for the musically groundbreaking song, 'The Pale Blue Dot', which incorporates Riz Story's musical innovation of fractional time signatures. The song features Story performing at a highly virtuosic level on all the instruments, which early listeners, including one noted legendary jazz musician, are labeling as 'Unprecedented'.

While an earlier music video exists for this song, this new video features the official album version of the song's audio, as well as an all new video edit.

Says Story, "The song is based and composed on a drum improvisation. This is a new approach for me as a composer. I'll improvise over a click or music sequence, allowing myself to drift into zones of complexity and pure feel that transcend what I could 'write' in a normal way. These improvs tend to bring about a level of virtuosity and complexity that is beyond my usual limitations. Many of the tracks on this new album (In Humanity) were composed using this method of building from drum improvisations. The result is a highly exploratory sound based on unrehearsed moments of pure inspiration, very much in keeping with the jazz tradition of spontaneous composition."

IN HUMANITY will be available worldwide on October 12th, 2021.

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