NEW ANYONE ALBUM - Dropping Late Summer

The next ANYONE album is in the mastering process. The album is entitled 'IN HUMANITY' and is set for a late summer release (2021).
The album is part of Riz Story's large scale concept which also includes a full length feature film and a novel of the same title. Originally planned for release as a solo album, the decision was made to release this collection of songs as an ANYONE album. Regarding this decision Story said, "Looking back at the evolution of ANYONE from it's early days as a heavy psychedelic trio and then to arrive at this new album with it's extremely progressive sound and devotion to the spirit of exploration feels very correct... very satisfying artistically."
Story continued, "The album was originally conceived as the conceptual music for a feature film, and not as a standard record, and so it is extremely theatrical with a massive array of sounds, textures and moods." The resulting collection of songs marks a radical continuation of a direction that was hinted at on the 2020 release 'On the ending earth...' with longer more complex songs such as 'Fade to Black', 'All That Lives is Born to Die' and 'A Brief Sparkle in the Nothingness."
As with the critically acclaimed 2020 release 'On the ending earth...' Riz Story again plays all of the instruments we hear, as well as producing, mixing and mastering. "This time out the aim was to utilize everything in my personal music pallet to express the deep range of emotions that this concept embodies. So the playing is far more ambitious, the compositions are far more sophisticated and there are no limits or considerations of making it accessible to common denominator audiences who listen to music casually. If it goes over most people's heads, thats a good thing. This is music for listeners who want to come explore with me, and go deeper if we can."